Kata Kata Mutiara Di Film Wedding Agreement

As a professional, I would be happy to provide an article on “kata kata mutiara di film wedding agreement.”

Wedding Agreement is a popular Indonesian romantic film that tells the story of Btari and Byantara, who are forced to marry each other due to a prenuptial agreement. Along with a beautiful and touching love story, the movie features a range of inspiring quotes and wisdom that can motivate and encourage viewers.

The movie`s “kata kata mutiara” or pearls of wisdom, offer valuable insights into love, relationships, and life in general. They serve as a perfect reminder to appreciate the simple things in life, cherish relationships and always strive towards success.

Here are some memorable quotes or “kata kata mutiara” from the film Wedding Agreement:

1. “Kita tak bisa memilih siapa yang kita cintai, tapi kita bisa memilih bagaimana kita mencintainya.” (We cannot choose who we love, but we can choose how we love them.)

2. “Tak perlu terlalu kaku dalam merencanakan hidup. Yang penting, bersyukur atas apa yang sudah ada dan selalu berusaha memperbaiki diri.” (We don`t have to be too rigid in planning our lives. What`s important is to be thankful for what we have and always strive to improve ourselves.)

3. “Cinta itu bukan sesuatu yang bisa dipaksa atau didikte. Cinta itu harus ditemukan dengan hati.” (Love is not something that can be forced or dictated. Love must be found with the heart.)

4. “Kalau kita terus merasa tak puas dengan apa yang kita punya, kita akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk menikmati kebahagiaan yang telah ada di depan mata.” (If we keep feeling unsatisfied with what we have, we will miss the chance to enjoy the happiness that is right in front of us.)

5. “Kesuksesan itu bukanlah hasil kerja keras atau keberuntungan semata. Kesuksesan itu juga datang dari perjuangan dan keteguhan hati.” (Success is not just the result of hard work or luck. Success also comes from struggle and determination.)

Watching Wedding Agreement and taking note of the “kata kata mutiara” from the film can surely inspire and encourage viewers to cherish relationships, appreciate the present, and strive towards success. These quotes are an excellent reminder of the power of love and the importance of being true to oneself.

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